A&A Fabienne Hair Dark Brown (FUNCTIONAL DEMO). Wavy long hair with menu colorable/show/hide beret
Fabienne is a long hairstyle with the hair swept over the left sholder and an attached colorable beret. You can show or hide the hat also from menu.
This item is provided free in this special color so that you can demo the style. It is fully functional and can be used as is. Enjoy!
Resize menu for easy fitting, full bright toggle & script delete button.
If you have suggestions or questions, contact Alice Klinger in world or use the contact form on our blog.
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See item in Second Life- Brightness and Rezise Control Menu
- Flex
- Display Weight 16644
gorgeous hair!
L$ 0
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
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- User Licensed