.::ABC::. - Jeans Pants - For Kemono avatar (Boxed)
/!\ ATENTION /!\
This clothing item was specifically designed for Utilizator's Kemono avatar and will not work with your standard SL avatar or Avatar 2.0 or anything else that isnt a Kemono mesh body.
This item comes with a texture change menu.To change the texture of this item, just click on it, you will get a texture selection.
You can also choose the white texture and than change the colors of each part through the build menu's texture tab.
Do not change the default attachment points of these items because this will screw up the positioning of the invisible click prims for the texture change menu, instead use the ADD function to add multiple items to the same attachment point.
If you already screwed it up, you can always get a new copy by using the update card, if the update card does nothing, don't panic and give it some time. If you detached it before you got your update, it will not work the second time for 10 minutes, once 10 minutes have passed, you can try updating again.
For textures and UV maps go here http://www.mediafire.com/download/6shd2nrblmm9393/jeans.zip
- Texture change menu
- Multiple Textures
- Compatible with ABC Tennis Shirt
It has pedobear button... Ew....
It's like something i would wear in rl i really love it and no need to use and alpha hud it fits perfectly :D 5 stars!