Security Tool Serie
The GPU card protector.
The context:
Everyone has been more or less affected by graphics card crashes due to "Griefers" attacks that send objects that cause your GPU to saturate.
These are usually complex multi-polygon objects that the graphics card cannot handle. The image freezes, we can no longer move or do anything and the viewer crashes or even closes.
I personally have a powerful card that in some cases does not last more than 30 seconds.
Although it seems that Linden Lab has cleaned up its servers by deleting a number of objects that become, by this fact, inoperative, there are still some that hang around especially if you go, like me, on SIM a little dangerous that are used precisely to test weapons and combat HUDs.
To escape these attacks, you must either move your point of view back with the mouse whel, or do the key combination, SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+9 (the one above the letters).
This operation is not always possible or very complicated as the PC becomes slow.
The HUD GPU protector:
So I made this HUD that remains available when you wear it and immediately backs your point of view 1000 m back when you click on it. Or at least it does it as soon as it can. In case of a strong slowdown, it may take a few seconds, but at least you save the situation as soon as it is possible to do so.
Be sure to be in rear view, because if you have made camera rotations or are working on an object, the control may not activate. In this case, immediately click on the rear view of the camera manager to reset it. The recoil is done immediately without you having to do anything else.
You also preserve the good health of your graphics card by preventing it from overheating by performing impossible calculations.
At this distance of 1Km, the object is no longer visible and like your gaze and very far out of the SIM everything calms down.
Your avatar has not moved any place, it is just the position of the gaze that is changed.
Once safe, you can get closer in steps of 100 m to observe the evolution of the attack.
I did some tests with a GFX flooder strong enough to observe the effectiveness of the GPU Protector
• 1000 to 600 m: No slowdown,
• 500 m slight slowdown observed at the level of the waves of the non-SIM zone,
• 200 m significant slowdown,
• 100 m blockage,
• 0 m complete crash.
To conclude:
Here is a small essential tool for all those who frequent infamous places on second Life.
This protection function has been added to the JOKES HUD since version V5.50.xx.
- Graphics card crash protection
- GPU protection
- GFX protection
- Anti griefing
- Anti griefer