This object (NEWSPAPER (to read) v1) shall be placed on a bar (height about 1.4 meters)
remember to put it perpendicular to the bar. The orientation of the newspaper is important.
by clicking on it to sit, you can choose "Read"
The object will offer a newspaper. agree, then find it in your inventory
his name: Newspaper (Wear it)
choose "wear". You are reading a newspaper!
The object must contain: (do not change the names!)
- A script (ReadTheNewspaper_byAL39)
- A note (initial)
- A note in French (explication (FR))
- A note in English (to use it (EN))
- An animation (Read)
- An object (Newspaper (Wear it))
- A note to the user (Note)
the notecard "initial" must contain two lines
one for the adjustment position, the second rotation for the adjustment
position:<0.0, 0.1, -0.9>
rotation:<90.0, 0.0, -90.0>
you can change the vector of adjustment in position and rotation.
but first try to change the position and orientation of the newspaper.
watch the video (see below)
The journal is mofifiable.
You may need to resize depending on the breadth of your shoulders.
Click "right" of the newspaper, and choose "edit" check "stretch"
and move the point at the top right (front page)
You can also create your own newspaper.
Make a copy of the existing newspaper and use it.
do not change the file name
You have to create four textures high 1.5 times the width
(eg 341 x 512 pixels)
and apply them to each side of the newspaper. Easy !