Liam is a brand new high quality skin in 5 tints, with and without eyebrows that you can use on all your (mesh) heads and bodies!
To make it easier for you we made all our HUD's separate, so if you for example own Catwa and Belleza you don't need to buy the OMEGA system.
I do my best to make it as easy for you as possible.
Head appliers:
- Akeruka (AK Head)
- LeLutka
- Catwa
- Adam (use omega)
- ALANTORI David Head
- Bakes on Mesh (BOM)
Body appliers:
- Signature
- Legacy Body
- Belleza
- ALANTORI David Body
- Adam (use omega)
- BOM (Bakes on Mesh)
★ Comes in 5 skin tones
★ Comes in 2 variations with and without eyebrows
★ Comes with shape
★ Comes with special edition Hairbase (applier and BOM tattoo layer)
BOM Skins
Head Appliers
Body Appliers
*Hair on picture is ALANTORI Dennis hair and is available bellow this product.
Universal Applier System that works for most, if not all the best Mesh Bodies and Body Parts on the Grid.
Check to see if your mesh is supported:
Should there be any issues with appliers or skins, please message Reece Maloney directly and I will take care of it.
▼ Don't forget to check out my other products
Voir l'article dans Second Life- skins
- male skin
- men skin
- men's skin
- man skin