: : AMBIX : :
All products created by this merchant are 100% original content.
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• Release Date ↴
[ 06/30/2019 ]
• Item Description ↴
Mystical floating islands that gently hover in the sky - tread carefully.
• Rezzed Item Information ↴
This item currently includes un-furnished floating rock islands.
Changing the size of the objects may affect their land impact.
With the pool, the island is 12x12 meters with 50 LI.
Without the pool, the island is 21x21 meters with 30 LI.
*Grass Ramp 35LI at current size.
**This ramp was requested and implemented.
• Required Items ↴
N/A - Item is unrigged.
• Contents Included ↴
Flat Island
Island with pool
Grass Ramp
• Notice ↴
Refunds will only be granted for double purchases.
Refunds will only be issued with in-store credit, as marketplace takes dividends from marketplace transactions.
If you are having issues with a product please contact xAmbiguityx prior to leaving a review.
Terms of Service are liable and subject to change.
• Merchant Notes ↴
Products created by this merchant are almost always copy and modify.
The exception to this is if the item contains scripts or is rigged. If scripts are held within the object the item will state that it is no modify in your inventory - however should still be editable upon wear and rez. Please note that if an item is rigged in anyway you will not be able to edit it from its current position.
• Social Media Links ↴
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