Made from high quality mesh design, custom textures, and sounds - the Loki Cola Soda Machine is the *must have* soda machine for your venue, bar none.
Not just a good looking prop, the Loki Cola vending machine actually dispenses our texture change MultiCan to whomever clicks the vendor. Each can is high quality mesh with photo-real textures and a menu for drink selection.
Why give out a ton of items to people in their inventory when a single can will do it all?
The Loki Cola Soda Machine is - Copy | No Mod | No Trans
The AMG MultiCan item is Copy | Trans | No Mod
The AMG Loki Cola Soda Machine comes with sounds built in - a low compressor "hum" on loop, and when you click the soda machine you hear the money going in and the can dropping like you normally would. Wearing the Soda MultiCan, you'll hear the pop and hiss of the soda being opened (and also when you change drink types).
Built into the Soda MultiCan are twelve (12) drink types for you to choose from. Clicking the can while wearing it (add) will bring up the menu.
One of the biggest problems in a virtual world are items that look "too perfect". This happens when textures are pristine and show no signs of the item being used in context. When creating items, it helps to "weather" them in a way that makes them believable. Because of this, the Loki Cola Soda Machine is "weathered" in design, and has some amount of dirt where the unit would be most used.
If you would still prefer a "pristine" version, you may contact Aeonix Aeon in-world to arrange this. Please send a NC, as IMs get capped.
::::: Additional Notes
Animations included in our cans may not work properly with extreme avatars. Mostly of note smaller avatars (children, toddlers, fairy, tinehs), as these forms often require specialty animations to compensate for the extreme forms.
Please be advised that this vending machine does dispense a high quality, photo-realistic mesh can custom made, with a custom Bento animation, scripted and with sound. It is likely one of the most advanced and detailed drink cans in Second Life.
Because this internal item must be set to Copy & Transfer, it is treated as though it is a freebie item being dispensed. When worn for the first time, the can will non-intrusively whisper a short blurb promoting the store here as a built-in deterrent for other vendors to swipe the can and include it in their own creations (as it was not meant to be used like that).
We settled on this solution versus making the item automatically detach and delete after a set time as we did not want to limit the users or stop them from sharing the drink can with friends. We feel this is an acceptable compromise for the high quality and attention to detail the item has otherwise.
See item in Second Life- 100% Mesh
- High Detail Design
- Included Sound Effects
- Dispenses Soda MultiCan
- Low Land impact
Fantastic value for money, awesome details.
Everything about this is top-notch - from the glow to the faint humming noise. These guys are selling awesome products at great quality, and good prices!
Best Cola machine around.The sounds are perfect ,and once you have the can in your hand, you can choose in a menu of 12 brands. Perfect animation, comp with Bento. Awesome work from Will and his staff, and in plus,a great customer service as well. If you are a fan of cabinet's of retro games like me, and you serch the perfection, AMG is the shop for you.
certified mug moment
love the aesthetic hum of the machine, it's excellent for my arcade. creator's a really cool guy too. can't go wrong with it.
Great budget vendor!
This machine provides a pleasant looping sound, ambient lights and bento compatiable cans that can be held by bento hands!
Furthermore, you can chose from different cans and the sounds are splendid.
Overall a very great atmospheric product if you want to enhance your environment experience
Great but wait!
This Vending machine actually does look great.
BUT, I find that it also advertises his store on MP, every time someone attaches a can, nothing on this MP page to say that it does this.
(whisper or not it doesn't matter it's still an advertisement)
You can expect this kind of advertisement on a freebie, not something you pay 299L$ for.
I politely contacted the owner to request a machine that would only instruct the wearer to choose the type of drink. I was told the short answer is NO they wont issue me one as its do with custom animations, custom textures, and scripts. the protection of.
#Store Logo is actually on the can in the object name section and also in chat at the beginning.
After few messages down the line, the creator of the Object did refund me the full amount.
Thank you! and then I was told my review would be unwarranted anyway,
one can read that as a tad dismissive by the creator.
Maybe, and its just free advice here, the store could have been placed in the description part of the can, or a claim to the product if found in other machines
that seems to be 100% the creators main concern anyway, and I do understand that completely. but there are other ways to protect a product.