G General

ANOID | Altrex Store

ANOID | Altrex Store

ANOID | Altrex Store


Prims - 218

Mesh Percentage - 100%

Area - 50m x 38m

Volume - 50m x 38m x 10m


This item comes with a rezzer.
Check out the passes:
- Drag to ground the object named "ANOID - Altrex Store (Rezer)"
- To rez the structure, just click "rez".
- Then, when all objects are placed in position, you can move the rezzer and make the adjustments you need.
- When all things are in the final place, just click the rezzer and click "save".
- After this. You can delete the rezzer.

MESH VIEWER: This item require mesh enabled viewer - Official Second life viewer or 3rd party viewer with mesh support.

ISSUES: Got an issue? Make sure to send a detailed notecard to Rodrigo Aubin.

REVIEWS: Reviews are appreciated, so everyone knows what others think about a product. It gives all products trust. Thank You.

Also if you can't get to the landmark left here, contact Rodrigo Aubin.

Best regards,

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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happy with my purchase
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 11, 2023 by OMATTW

This building is just perfect for my use and very spacious !!!

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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 11, 2020 by inveeus

The picture looks real nice but the store itself doesn't even look like that. Really disappointed.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 29, 2018 by Nadia Seidel

This building is just perfect for my use. Good job !
Thank you :)

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Very good!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 18, 2015 by xinxan Chaplin

I am a builder in Second Life for over 9 years
I never learned to handle 3D programs
I have to say that this store is a good job
Maya is very clean
I managed to reduce the impact to 148 prims (Without removing prims)
Good job Rodrigo

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Clean and classy
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 20, 2015 by Tamara Artis

I finally found my new building! Its perfect and I recommend it to everyone.

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VERY Happy Indeed!:)
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 08, 2015 by FlamingDevotion

Very happy with is purchase, and even more happier with the Thank You and follow up from the Designer..... so i have no problem in recommending this Product. :)

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