G Général

* AR * - 13L - Princess Kaia

* AR * - 13L - Princess Kaia

These items do NOT work with LIFE2


Beautiful room princess themed, fabric texture changer to personalize it, LIFE hud items compatible, 2 bed sizes included (toddler and kid/teen), fully interactive parents/friends

Life items are no mod, no trans.

- LIFE and LIFE2 are different products, and the scripts
that work for one dont work for the other.
- My current products will NOT be updated for work with LIFE2.
- *AR* products come with a regular version that is
modifiable so you can add your own LIFE2 scripts
or any other you want to make them work with your
- *AR* offers customer support ONLY for any *AR*
items, for any question about how to use LIFE2
scripts please contact their staff.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
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was amazing
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 1/4/2016 de Twee Littlepaws

have no problems with it at all and is very nice

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This was a waste of L$
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 27/3/2015 de N0St0PpInGSunShin3

This was a waste of money i bought this 1k bedset and it doesn't even work nothing is going in the inventory. u need to fix it where we can open the box and get the bedset.

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