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-> For Maitreya, Hourglass & Freya
-> You WILL need alphas (particularly upper body, breasts and arms). Alphas included.
"Calico" is a collection of colorful pioneer dresses made from lively calico cotton prints. For western life on the prairie, ranch, or farm. Pioneer dresses were often made from cotton, muslin or wool because traveling West by wagon train made silks and bustles impractical.
Each outfit includes fitted mesh dress and bento gloves for Maitreya, Hourglass & Freya, rigged mesh face bandana, cameo choker, clothing layers (BoM compatible) and Omega appliers
- Fitted mesh dress in two parts (top and bottom): Maitreya, Hourglass, Freya
- Fitted mesh bento gloves: Maitreya, Hourglass, Freya
- Rigged mesh face bandana. Unrigged/resize scripted also included.
- Unrigged mesh cameo choker
- Classic SL System layers
- Bakes on Mesh compatible
- Omega applier
- Assorted alphas
Fitted/rigged Mesh, applier and system layers: Copy/No Mod/No Transfer
Unrigged accessories: Copy/Deletable Resize Scripted/No Transfer
Arwen Serpente
Owner/Designer !**Arwen's Creations**!
©Copyright !**Arwen's Creations**! by Arwen Serpente. All Rights Reserved.
- Fitted Mesh Dress & Bento Gloves: Maitreya, Hourglass, Freya
- Mesh Face Bandana: rigged and unrigged
- Mesh cameo choker
- Classic SL system clothing layers; Omega applier; Bakes on mesh ready
- Western, Pioneer, Prairie, Settler, Rancher, Cowgirl, Tombstone, Victorian