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-> For Maitreya, Hourglass, Physique
-> Will not fit the classic SL avatar or other mesh bodies
"Leannan Sidhe" is a high fantasy role play outfit and Halloween costume. Taken from Irish Folklore, the Leannán Sídhe (fairy lover or fairy woman) is as beautiful as she is evil and deadly. She offers inspiration to talented poets, artists, singers, musicians in return for love and devotion. Their infatuation with her enhances their creativity, but tragically leads to their death as she drains them and sucks life from them. This outfit is designed for a wide range of fantasy characters like High elf, Fairy, Fae, Fey, shape-shifter, vampire or succubus. It features a fitted mesh tunic accented by a variety of accessories: vest, sandals, bracers, Bento wings, and crown. All 6 colors available as a fat pack @ 30% discount - see related items below.
- Fitted mesh tunic with matching underpants (simple modesty panel)
- Fitted mesh bracers
- Fitted mesh sandals
- Fitted mesh vest
- Fitted mesh wings - opaque and 35% transparent
- Unrigged crown
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Arwen Serpente
Owner/Designer !**Arwen's Creations**!
©Copyright !**Arwen's Creations**! by Arwen Serpente. All Rights Reserved.
- For Maitreya, Hourglass, Physique
- Fitted mesh tunic, bracers, sandals, vest, wings; Unrigged crown
- Taken from Irish folklore and Celtic mythology
- Fairy woman, Fae, Fairy, Fey, Elf, Halloween costume
- Succubus, vampire, shape-shifter, temptress