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{AS} Jaenelle Rigged Mesh Fantasy Gown: Royal Purple; Cape, Crown, Jewelry, Flexy Train, Veils, Omega applier

{AS} Jaenelle Rigged Mesh Fantasy Gown: Royal Purple; Cape, Crown, Jewelry, Flexy Train, Veils, Omega applier
{AS} Jaenelle Rigged Mesh Fantasy Gown: Royal Purple; Cape, Crown, Jewelry, Flexy Train, Veils, Omega applier
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FREE Demo at Main Store in world.
Standard rigged mesh in 5 sizes. It does not adjust to your shape.
You need to modify your shape and use alphas for a good fit.
-> Best for Classic SL avatar
-> Works with some Maitreya bodies within standard sizing guidelines. You will need alphas and shape modification.
-> NOT for curvy mesh bodies or shapes.
-> IMPORTANT FOR APPLIERS: Turn on masking or mask mode in your MESH BODY HUD to prevent appliers from disappearing when they are layered.
"Jaenelle" is a medieval-fantasy gown featuring a slender, sleeveless rigged mesh gown, cape, sleeves, ornate headpiece (crown), and 2 veils - opaque and sheer. Accessories include a mesh necklace, head chains, chain link belt with jewels, SL system clothing layers & matching Omega applier. An OPTIONAL flexy train is included for those who like flexy prims - it is totally optional - gown can be worn with or without it depending on your taste.

Rigged Mesh Gown: 5 standard sizes
Rigged Mesh Cape: 5 standard sizes
Rigged Mesh Sleeves: 7 sizes
Mesh Ornate Headpiece (crown)
Mesh Head Chains with jewel
Mesh Necklace
Mesh Chain Link Belt with color coordinated jewel accents
Two (2) Veils: Opaque and Sheer
SL System clothing layers & matching Omega applier: gold bead top, blouse, pants & gloves
OPTIONAL Flexy Train if you like the added movement of flexy prims
Assorted Alphas for classic body

Permissions on the outfit:
Rigged Mesh, Clothing layers, Applier: Copy/No Mod/No Transfer
Unrigged Mesh Accessories, Veils, Flexy Train: Copy/Deletable Resize Scripted/No Transfer

Arwen Serpente
Owner/Designer !**Arwen's Creations**!
©Copyright !**Arwen's Creations**! by Arwen Serpente. All Rights Reserved.

See item in Second Life
  • Rigged Mesh Gown & Cape: 5 standard Sizes; Rigged Mesh Sleeves: 7 sizes
  • Headpiece (crown); Jeweled Head Chains & Chain link belt; Gold chain necklace
  • SL System clothing layers, and Omega Applier
  • Fantasy, Medieval, Elf, Mage, Sorceress, Game of Thrones, Queen
  • 2 Veils: Opaque and Sheer

L$ 549

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Arwen's Creations By Arwen Serpente - Medieval,Fantasy,Cultural
Arwen's Creations By Arwen Serpente - Medieval,Fantasy,Cultural
Sold by: Arwen Serpente

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Works with Classic and Mesh Avatars
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  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh