{AS} Reine Fitmesh Tudor Gown: Buff Blue; 16th century England, Renaissance, Medieval, Queen, Omega applier
FREE Demo at Main Store in world.
This is a fitmesh gown in 3 sizes.
You will need to use alphas and modify your shape to get a good fit.
-> Best for Classic SL avatar
-> Works with some Maitreya and Slink Physique mesh bodies within standard sizing guidelines.
-> For appliers: Turn on masking or mask mode in your MESH BODY HUD to prevent appliers from disappearing when they are layered.
"Reine" is a Tudor style fitmesh gown designed in rich velvet and brocade with golden thread seams. Accessories include a pearl drop diadem, flexy & mesh veil, and SL Clothing layers with matching Omega applier.
Final Purchase includes:
Fitmesh Gown: 3 sizes
Pearl drop diadem (mesh pearls shade matched to gown)
Flexy veil with mesh pearl drops
SL System Clothing Layers & Omega applier: partlet, blouse (undershirt), glitch pants
Assorted Alphas
Permissions on the outfit:
Fitmesh and Clothing layers & Applier: Copy/No Mod/No Transfer
Veil & Diadem: Copy/Deletable Resize Scripted/No Transfer
Arwen Serpente
Owner/Designer !**Arwen's Creations**!
©Copyright !**Arwen's Creations**! by Arwen Serpente. All Rights Reserved.
- Fitmesh gown: 3 sizes
- Unrigged mesh pearl drop diadem
- Flexy and mesh veil with pearl drop accents
- Tudor, Queen, England, Elizabeth, 16th Century, Renaissance, Medieval
- SL clothing layers and Omega applier - Partlet, Blouse, Glitch pants
L$ 499
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- User Licensed