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ASI RAMK3 Rail Gun 1.1

ASI RAMK3 Rail Gun 1.1

ASI RAMK3 Rail Gun 1.1

• Fully overriding AO.
• Low lag and effective in high lag, has a HUD with group
detection and ammo count.
• Sling version works properly when linked to other objects
like backpacks.
• True prone, lowered with increased/same health hit box.
• Wide arsenal of ammunition including the anti armor
• Can customize velocity, offset, spray amount &
• Choose your rez and spray methods, camera or avatar
pos rez, box or cone spray.
• Low prim highly detailed modify weapon with free up
dates for life.
• User friendly complete menu control for the weapons
options and variables.
• Quick key press (NOT type) ability for melee, reload,
prone, draw, fire mode etc.
• Amazing high quality special effects.

After making sure all the gestures that came with this weapon are set as 'active' and that the weapon is attached and drawn, press (NOT type in the chat bar) the 'O' key to open the main menu, from here you will be able to access the following:

***Main menu***

Ammo: opens the weapon ammunition menu to choose weapon ammunition types from.
Color: opens a color picking menu to change glow color.
Options: opens the options menu to change basic settings and perform operations from.
Attachment: opens the attachment menu to add and remove parts.
Variables: opens the variables menu which will have a selection of sub menus for editing variables that effect performance.
Sling: slings the weapon, will need to press the 'H' key or type the command "draw" to draw it again.
Detach: detaches the weapon for you.
Help: gives this card.

*** Ammunition Menu***
~Beam-0.23:selects a .23 wide beam. You may also use the command "~beam".
Tracer-6.00x0.10: selects a 3.00 by 0.10 sized, high visibility damage round. You may also use the command "tracer".
Damage-6.00x0.10: selects a 3.00 by 0.10 sized, normal visibility damage round. You may also use the command "damage".
~Training-6.00x0.10: selects a 3.00 by 0.10 sized, 1 damage training round. You may also use the command "~training".
~Push-8.00x0.50: selects a 8.00 by 0.50 sized, 0 damage pushing round. You may also use the command "~push".

Ammo FX: turns ammo special effects on and off (keep off in lag).

***Color Menu***

Various colors to set the glowing objects to.

***Options Menu***

Touch Menu: enables and disables the guns menu on touch.
Fx: disables and enables the weapons special effects (keep off in lag).
AO: disables and enables the guns animation overrider.
Reset: resets the weapon.
Bullet Spray: changes the spray method the bullets have when fired between box and cone spray types.
Bullet Rez: changes the rez method the bullets have when fired between avatar position and camera position types.
Hold Animation: changes the hold animation between 3 different types.
Sight: opens the sights menu.
Prone HP: changes between a 1 and 20 hit point prone.

***Attachment Menu***

Light: turns the light on and off.
Laser: turns the laser on and off.
Scope: changed between 2 different scopes or none.
Bipod: attaches or detaches the bipod.

***Variables Menu***

Vel: opens the weapon velocity menu.
Offset: opens the weapon offset menu.
Spray: opens the weapon spray menu.
Alt Chan: opens the alternative channel menu.

***Sight HUD Menu***

Color Inverse: inverses the detected allied and enemy colors.
Wide Sensor: changes the detection sensor between a narrow or wide cone.
Sensor on: disables and enables the detection sensor (keep off in lag).

***Gestures And Controls****

If the gestures are set as 'active' you may press (NOT type in the chat bar) the following keys, or type the commands to perform actions.

M - enters mouse look so you can aim and shoot, then hold or tap the left mouse button depending on the fire mode to fire the gun.
O - Menu: opens the main menu.
G - F: changes fire mode between semi-auto, 3-shot burst.
Q - Melee: melee attacks anyone within 4 meters.
H - Holster: draws and holsters the weapon.
R - Reload, R: reloads your weapon, reload time varies on mag size.
X - Prone: goes in to effective prone, you press the 'X' key go out of mouse look and click on the red prim, to exit you press 'X' again, effective prone will not let you move but will give you a shorter hit box and more health.

***Manual Variable Entry***

You may enter variables manually if you do not like the idea of using the menus. To do this you need to type an identifier then the value next to it. '#' shall represent the value in the following.

v:#: sets weapon velocity. example 'v:150'.
o:#: sets weapon offset. example 'o:2.5'.
s:#: sets weapon spray. example 's:0.2'.
c:#: sets alternative channel. example 'c:5'.

***Additional Notes***

Please note the gun has the best performance in general set as

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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  • 1 star:
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted April 25, 2021 by Karimi UwU

This gun may have been really good at some point, but that was a long time ago.
it's made of multiple prims, and the script that makes them transparent when it moves from your back to your hand fails sometimes even when there's no lag, leaving some of them visible.
The features it has are also pretty standard on similar weapons with multiple firing modes nowadays, so i wouldn't recommend.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 12, 2015 by Zion Ravenhurst

Literally the best weapon in my armory, and I have a *ton* of guns.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 02, 2010 by Trevelyan Irelund

An excellent weapon, with lots of options. The beam setting is perfect for use against vehicles. The amount of customization on this is amazing.

The prone gesture actually offers you extra protection in a combat situation.

For 1500L an all around excellent weapon.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 22, 2009 by Foxers Fhang

Great gun! I love the effects :D

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 12, 2009 by Ivan Jovinavic

It took a little setting up, but after sorting it out I absolutely love it, frankly just an amazing gun, fantastic equipment, great AO, it looks sexy as hell, and it kills like a charm.

5/5 no question at all.

Edit: Also after a bit of testing, my only concern in my pre purchase item discussion was adressed by my test subject and proved that it does indeed work on the DCS2 system.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 17, 2009 by Jester Spearmann

Build & scripts are flawless, it's a well built gun works really well my only complaint is the prone mode is non toggle so you have to hold down the button the entire time you want to be prone (Unless I've missed something in the manual)

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