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[:AT:] Banline Detector Version 4.2

[:AT:] Banline Detector

Traveling on mainland is fun, be it on the road, through the skies, or open seas...
However, what if you want to go offroading! or navigate the tight channels of mainland, or fly nice and low to see the vistas!
Oh noes the banlines are coming. Getting wedged in a banline, being tossed out of your vehicle and then having your vehicle tossed at you right into your inventory is no fun.
Get some early warning before the banlines with this simple HUD!

This hud will scan ahead of you as you move forward, the faster you go, the further ahead it scans, and it will give you an audible and visible warning if a banline is coming up ahead, so you can react in time and change course!

As an added bonus, it also scans if a parcel forbids object entry. While seated vehicles can cross into parcels with object entry disabled, it is nice to know if the trailer behind you can go into that parcel, or if you happen to get unseated somehow.

An additional feature of the banline detector is detecting if you are sim crossing. Sure in a car it is obvious when you are sim crossing and finished crossing, this is not always the case while in an airplane, train, or helicopter.
While Sim crossing, the hud's yellow "Sim Crossing" text will light up, and continue to be lit until you finished sim crossing and have safely arrived in the next sim.

No access parcels have their banlines only extend 50m from terrain, that is your safe height, the banline detector won't give audible warnings when above safeheight!
Watch out for the safeheight icon appear in the bottom right corner of the detector window! When that lights up, you are safe from banlines, unless someone really dislikes you, and have you actually banned from the parcel, or they have set up a security orb.

To extend the distance of scanning ahead you can use the command "/1multiplier,#" without quotes where # is a number to multiply the distance, the larger this is, the longer it scans ahead.
Example commands

***New in version 4.1!***
You can click the main screen box (usually green) to unfold two extra slide out screens!
This will display your speed and compass bearing!

Highly useful for advanced navigating, or just pretty cool to know where you headed and how fast!

The speed display is different from SL's usual physics, it calculates your actual motion based on your world position, so this will even detect nonphysical movement!
Consider this as your highly accurate GPS speed! Very handy for developers too, to make sure their measurements are accurate!

You can pick your unit of measurement for speed with the buttons below the speed display!
You can pick compass measurement methods with the buttons below the compass display!

Compass methods explained:

ROT - Avatar rotation based compass. - Shows where your avatar points to server side, when in mouselook it shows where you point to.
CAM - Camera rotation based compass. - Shows where your camera points to, like altcam or vehicle camera. It is identical to ROT in mouselook
VEL - Velocity heading based compass. - Shows the direction you are moving towards. This is slightly unreliable on slow speeds.

When these displays are disabled, they actually do turn off, so nothing of them runs in the background, consider hiding the screens when reducing your script time in laggy conditions!

The banline detector hud can now also detect security orbs!
This feature is highly experimental and may not detect some orbs, so dont rely on it heavily, but it is a nice early warning when it does work!
Look for the red orb warning in the bottom left corner of the main display screen! (Opposite from the safety height display)

You can click the two white slide out panes, to change their text color from something other than blue if you like!

You can now modify every part of the Banline Detector hud without any breakage, link it to things, unlink things from it, move and reposition any bit of it you like
If you want for example you can stretch the compass to go across your entire screen on the top

***New in Version 4.2***

Click and hold any part of the banline hud for 3 seconds, then release the mouse button, it will search for rez enabled land in the sim you are in, and give teleport links to the rez zones.

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Very useful along side another hud I have
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 10, 2024 by nancy2008 Braveheart

Very useful along side another hud I have

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Very useful for anyone roaming the mainland.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 30, 2023 by Soanos Pacer

It is a lovely piece of tech that warns about no object entry parcels and banlines.
IT works very well, but the only thin I would like added is the abilit yto change the alarm sound.

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love this
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 08, 2023 by Delaven

Thank you so much for making our SL more fun.
but my place, please revise, don't have ban lines anymore =p

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 01, 2022 by tanyja

working great!

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Perfect for driving
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 06, 2022 by RatToy

The tool that makes driving, flying, etc much better. It won't save you from the glitches but it will help you minimize the issues as much as possible.

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If you ain't buyin', you ain't flyin'
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 11, 2020 by JJ Control

Do you like dots? Bleeps? Creeps? Bloops? Snoops? Ever had a moment when you had to think, mid-flight, what the hell does that color mean again? Well, this HUD relieves all that and gives you real-time SIM CROSSING status letting you know when you can affect your plane and when you cant.

You may fly, but this HUD navigates.

Get it.

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