*AUD* Bakers Wood Stump Table (ANIMATED) - 5p 5li Version 2024.1
LISTING UPDATE: 2024, Sep 25th (new prop shop location SURL to see product InWorld updated) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 - *AUD* Bakers Wood Stump Table (ANIMATED) - 5p 5li
*5 land impact as a clear/empty table... more with props rezzed.
1 Product Image for easy remembering what it is...
1 Thank you Notecard
1 READ ME - Baker table info v1.0
The base table pieces & ALL props are MESH. Only the AVsitter boxes and prop-menu box are basic prim.
In the READ ME notecard and seen in the product images, you'll notice there is a prop menu box linked to the table. In the notecard, there is a typed list of the props, what they were originally intended for, and what their land impacts are.
Some props in the menu, when selected, remove other props, as explained in the notecard, and seen when playing with or testing the table prop menu.
MAX land impact is 40, IF you happen to play around and get that specific set up of individual AND use the "handROLLballs" animation... which includes 2 baker boards and 2 dough bits on the board-- ideally you'd only have 1 baker board and 1 dough, if any, on the board.
Using the "Set All" and "Set Used" options in the prop menu box, will allow for the LOWEST land impact for the fullest table set ups. SET ALL is 15li, original empty table included. SET USED is 18 li, original empty table included.
The 2nd sitter can stand at the table, drink a drink, and wipe/clean the table as animations included.
The Baker can:
Stand at table
grind spices
making dough
knead dough
sprinkle seeds
wipe table
F - lean Drink mirror
M - lean Drink
M - lean drink Mirror
F is for female or smaller sized avatar
M is for Male or larger sized avatar
Like most of my work, I couldn't find what I wanted on the MP so I built it. I felt like the existing baker tables were all a bit too minimal and I wanted to be able to take pictures and film sequences (for machinima) that included more full set ups for someone actually baking... like the eggs, bread boards, bread cloth, seasonings/seeds, etc.
I also hadn't seen ANY baker tables that could be put in the middle of the woods our in the outdoor kitchen of a cabin, and I wanted that for another build I have in mind so, that is why I chose the tree stump and stump slice table look, rather than any other.
NOTE: 30% of profits received (after LL's 10%) from the purchase of this product on MP is automatically sent to the Treasurer of the SSCRPG PEF (Play Enhancement Fund) in the amount of 108 L$'s for each one sold.
baker, bakers, table, tree, stump, wood, flour, egg, eggs, jar, jars, baking, roleplay, prop, scene, set, medieval, rustic, dough, bake, buns, bun, animated, PEF, SSCRPG