*AUD* Newspaper pages collate table -c/m- 25p 24li Version 2023.1
LISTING UPDATE: 2024, Sep 25th (new prop shop location SURL to see product InWorld updated) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 linked object - *AUD* Newspaper pages collate table - c/m - 25p 14li
1 Product Image for easy remembering what it is...
1 Thank you Notecard
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While the bulk of the text on each page is intentionally illegible, the headlines and formation of those text blocks are different for each stack of pages, to help represent that realism of an actual print press room where the pages are collected and collated.
These newspaper pages are a match to the ones seen in the "Newspaper Drying Lines & Wall" product, as seen in "related products" below.
By the time I had the print press, ink well rolling table, print plash wash table, paper cutting station, newspaper drying lines and even the print plate composition table and typecase set, I realized I didn't have anything related to the final production and shipping of the newspapers!
While a packing table was easy to remember, it was in the making of that table I realized if I were really doing it, I'd want a collate table for organizing the pages after they're removed off the line-- especially for a well published newspaper that has to be copied many, many times!
I settled on 5 pages because of the size of the table and the pages themselves. All the headlines were intended to be somewhat general yet provocative! I do have future plans to make a few options for the whole set, of newspaper headlines, so if you buy from this set and have ideas, feel free to send me a notecard!
NOTE: 30% of profits received (after LL's 10%) from the purchase of this product on MP are automatically sent to the Treasurer of the SSCRPG PEF (Play Enhancement Fund) in the amount of 54 L$'s for each one sold.
mesh, paper, newspaper, table, wood, shadow, medieval, Victorian, antique, old, roleplay, prop, production, collate, pages, headlines, print shop, PEF, SSCRPG