*AUD* Sci-Fi Self Clamping Bio Transport Pod - c/m - 10p 7li Version 2024.1
LISTING UPDATE: 2024, Sep 25th (new prop shop location SURL to see product InWorld updated)
1- *AUD* Sci-Fi Self Clamping Bio Transport Pod - c/m - 10p 7li
1- *AUD* SciFi Bio Stasis Pod - c/m - 10p 7li
1- *AUD* Animated Stasis Pod Tablet LEFT (ADD) - c/m - 13p 8li
1- *AUD* Animated Stasis Pod Tablet RIGHT (ADD) - c/m - 13p 8li
1 Product Image for easy remembering what it is...
1 Thank you Notecard
DOESN'T ACTUALLY SELF-CLAMP, just looks like it can. More info below.
* All but a few prims are 100% mesh, the prims are basic block and are AV sitter target block, root prim, and a few screen components on the pod tablet, both wearable and prop versions.
The wearable (ADD) tablet can be rezzed as a screen and blown up to almost 14 meters across and still remain 8 land impact-- if used as a wall screen you may want to remove the "animate on attach" script and the animations in the tablets contents.
BOTH the Left & Right hand (ADD) wearable tablets can be clicked on to choose from Male/Large avatar hold and Female/Smaller avatar hold animations which ONLY ANIMATE THE UPPER BODY! This means you can walk around with the tablet and your avatar's normal AO personality.
THE TWO PODS ARE THE SAME except that the "Self Clamping" one the clamp piece is visible and the other one it's not because I made all the faces 100% transparent-- for those who want the stasis pod more than a transport pod. If you know how to "Edit Linked" you can adjust the mesh to fit the space with a little stretching, but if a lot of stretching is needed you may consider a cylinder mesh or prim piece the size of the clamp end to make the difference of gap.
There are 3 stand animations: best to keep your AO on & active.
Stand1 - stand with no props
Stand2 - stand with LEFT hand hold on Pod Tablet prop
Stand3 - stand with RIGHT hand hold on Pod Tablet prop
* to get the Pod Tablet props to auto-attach to your avatar after accepting the experience, you must ADD "AVSitter" experience by "CodeViolet" to the land/parcel "EXPERIENCES" tab
** whether it's the prop tablet or the (ADD) wearable tablet, you can click it for the animation menu between male/large and female/small holds.
*** NOTE, you may want to pose hands with AO's that have animated fingers as fingers may poke through the tablet.
There are 2 suspended animations:
Suspended - eyes closed, very still, hands tight against the body
Suspended2 - eyes open, also still, hands suspended palms facing behind body
As a long time RPer, "escape cargo" is a fun plotline whether it's action adventure play, erotica, suspense, and even horror... so, as I was building the spaceship and including a few things for the cargo hold, I decided a bio transport stasis pod would be ideal and perfect for the RP spaceship! In part because I wanted to be able to include it with the ship when I put it on the market, and in part because I didn't see anything else like it on MP, I made my own with the key features you see.
While simple was my first desire, I have since gotten ideas about making a version of this pod that has props to make it look like the glass is broken and the cargo/specimen escaped-- this will be its own product with many more features, though I'll offer 30% discount to those who've already purchased this one, and then purchase that one. I'll update this comment and the related items when it's complete.
Update for this model will include sounds-- I just haven't decided on the best loop yet. Redeliver of the update will be automatic and noted at the top of this page the date it's done.
NOTE: This product was made in collaboration with TodaysTomorrow Resident for the SSCRPG network, as such, 30% of profits received (after LL's 10%) from the purchase of this product on MP are automatically sent to the Treasurer of the SSCRPG PEF (Play Enhancement Fund) in the amount of 135 L$'s for each one sold.
Sci-Fi, SciFi, syfy, stasis, pod, transport, bio, biological, specimen, suspended, animated, tablet, screens, standing, lab, laboratory, tech, realistic, interactive, roleplay, prop, cool, light, twinkles, PEF, SSCRPG