*AUD* Sci-Fi Weapons Rack - 109p 55 li
1 ~ *AUD* Sci-Fi Weapons Rack - c/m - 109p 55 li
1 Product Image for easy remembering what it is...
1 Thank you Notecard
◘ Everything is copy & modify, which means you can color tint!
◘ There are about 70 different "weapons" and their ammo. Weapons like the obvious guns, knives, and bow with arrows, but also grenades, smoke bombs, sci-fi canisters that could be sci-fi bombs... potions, vials, and yes, a voodoo doll with pins!
◘ Some weapons have multiple mesh parts, like the potion gun, which has 3 different mesh parts other than the potion bottle ammo insert. Sights on two of the guns as other examples. Otherwise, all weapons are their one mesh object.
◘ Because they're all linked objects, you can choose to unlink some of the weapons and resize the rack to suit your needs. Likewise, you can rearrange their places.
◘ Everything is mesh except the root prim which is basic prim and invisible currently set up behind the colored gem bits under the voodoo doll.
Building a spaceship, it needed a weapons rack... and there wasn't much on the marketplace that fit the look I was aiming for, so as I do, I built one.
I specifically wanted a mixed array of weapons that could support visiting variously progressed civilizations to go with the roleplaying of visiting different planets and such.
weapon, weapons, gun, guns, staff, bow, arrows, bombs, grenades, poison, vials, knives, daggers, bullets, magazines, sci-fi, scifi,fantasy, spaceship, space, rack, voodoo, doll, Riddick, blades, hammer, axe, crystals, magic,