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*AUD* Space Bubbler Air H2o Scrubber - with SOUND! - 7p 8li Version 2024.1

*AUD* Space Bubbler Air H2o Scrubber  - with SOUND! - 7p 8li
*AUD* Space Bubbler Air H2o Scrubber  - with SOUND! - 7p 8li
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LISTING UPDATE: 2024, Sep 25th (new prop shop location SURL to see product InWorld updated) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - *AUD* Space Bubbler Air H2o Scrubber - v1 - 7p 8li

1 - *AUD* Space Bubbler Air H2o Scrubber - v2 - 7p 8li


1 Product Image for easy remembering what it is...
1 Thank you Notecard


In the pics, you'll see the linked objects separated and numbered.

#1 is the root prim for the main bubbler and normally tucked in out of sight, it is basic prim and has the quiet ambient sound for the unit.

#2 is the main bubbler system mesh, all as one piece.

#3 is the control panel casing, also mesh.

#4 is the control panel with the on/off menu in it, it is mesh, and the part you click to turn the bubbler on and off. -- if you move this linked piece, the "ON" linkset prop piece will also be moved when you turn it on-- so don't move this piece unless you know what you're doing. ((want the panel somewhere else, message me and/or send a notecard))

#5 is the mesh spikey ball like thing that has animated texturing to make the flickering and cycling, it's linked to #7 for rotation.

#6 is the complimenting mesh to represent some of the fractal/spikey ball radiation working, it is also linked to #7 for rotation

#7 is the rotating root prim for the "fractal hydro purification n oxygen" linkset, which is the "on" stuff of #'s 5,6, & itself. #7 is also the prim that emits the bubble particles. It also has ambient bubble sounds.

There are two versions included.

version 1 - v1 - is the smaller of the two bubblers. It is about 1 meter wide, 1 meter long and 3 meters tall.

version 2 - v2 - is the larger of the two bubblers. It is about 1.3 meters wide, 1.3 meters long, and 4 meters tall.

The large, v2 model can be seen in the *AUD* RP Prop Shop in world, following the link below.


This was made for a space-ship with the intent and story that the crystal/fractal thing that pops out when it's on, is what produces/cleans the air and the water as it cycles through the ship.

It was inspired by Stargate Atlantis bubblers which were admitted to just be decor... only, I didn't want one to be just decor, I wanted it to be functional, so I imagined the fractal/crystal thing and made myself a bubbler.

The ship this was made for will also be on the market when it's completed.

I've put it on the market as a solo piece because I kept getting the notion there may be others out there looking for something like this, be it for a ship, space station, or bunker, etc.


NOTE: 30% of profits received (after LL's 10%) from the purchase of this product on MP are automatically sent to the Treasurer of the SSCRPG PEF (Play Enhancement Fund) in the amount of 54 L$'s for each one sold.


sci-fi, scifi, space, futuristic, future, tech, technological, copper, bubbles, bubbler, air, filter, water, bunker, station, scrubber, fractal, crystal, animated, gadget, purifier, prop, roleplay, set, system, PEF, SSCRPG

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L$ 199

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*AUD* Alive Until Dead
*AUD* Alive Until Dead
Sold by: RemmyHun

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