Avalon is a Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV)
It is used for rescue of downed submarines and clandestine missions.
the submarine comes with HUd for different cam views with depht gauge and compass
scuba tank giver
you can dock on the most of my subs
lights control by menu
4 passenger seats and 1 co-pilot seat
climbable ladders
- drivable submarine
A fun and compact sub.
A fun, compact submarine.
Handles well. A little pricey for what it is. Hence 4 star.
my test
A very nice model
To drive Super
The Cam Hud very nicely done and super when docking and measure depth
am really surprised
gefählt me very fun and
The submarine is worth every Linden
My Respekt
mein Test
Ein sehr schönes Modell
Super zu fahren
Das Cam Hud sehr schön gemacht und super beim andocken und tiefe messen
bin echt überrascht
gefählt mir sehr und macht spass
Das U Boot ist jeden Linden wert
Mein Respeckt