100% Original women's cyber pantswith boots.
Fit for:
- Maitreya (Lara).
- Slink Hourglass.
- Materials enabled (must be maximum settings of graphics).
- 14 textures for pants (palette of tint non-limmited).
- 14 textures for other decorative parts (palette of tint non-limmited).
You can add glow or shine for different group of parts.
Buying a full pack you save more 50% of price.
pic: https://flic.kr/p/25ff4DZ
- Materials enabled (Bumping, Specular, Shine).
- Color changer. Glow adjuster.
- Fitted for Maitreya, SLink HG.
- 100% Original mesh.
Not sure why people are complaining about the huds. Lag affects any hud and the more options there is the slower it can be because of that. Try using on a sim with less lag. The huds are cyber. You have to hit the CONNECT button, then use. It's a part of the cyber experience in which this creator caters to.
I do not know this creator, but I have several items they have made. I have no complaints about fit or the huds. It can take some getting use to, sure, but they work well when you figure it out.
I love your products but
Your huds are absolutely terrible to use. Can you please fix this? Just to apply one texture change I'm sitting here for like 30+ seconds waiting for it to load.