This space hopper has various sounds & animations built in along with several color options. It also has collision animations built in and dispenses waterballoons you can throw at other space hoppers to knock them over! 5 extra space hoppers are included in this pack for you to give to your friends for fun space hopper bouncy collision fun!
Right click on the space hopper in your inventory and select 'Wear' to attach & use it.
When wearing the space hopper use your normal keyboard controls to move your avatar around.
Touching the space hopper will display the options menu. This menu has the following options.
Sounds - Toggle 'boing' sound effect on/off
Colors - Select between the built in color option textures (Pink, Purple, Black, Yellow, Orange, SkyBlue,Red,Green & Blue) The space hopper is also modify so you can add your own textures if you wish.
Balloons - Get a set of waterballoons. These can be thrown at other people using space hoppers to give them a knock. If they are moving quite fast when you hit them they will fall over! Bouncing into them at speed will also make you, them or both of you fall off. Gental hits result in a slight wobble.
TallAV/ShortAV - Due to the way animations work in SL, shorter AVs can end up sinking into the ground with some animations. If this happens select the ShortAV option to a lift your avatar up out of the ground with this shortav animation set option. (NOTE: You may need to manually adjust the size and position of the space hopper to fit your avatar. It is modify so you can use the SL edit tools to edit its position and size.)
NOTE: If you are a tiny avatar (ie. such as those made by wynx whiplash), then there is a special tiny avatar version of the space hopper available seperatly.
IMPORTANT: If you have any animation overriders or walks attached to your avatar you will need to detatch them or switch them off for this item to function correctly.
See item in Second LifeOMG too much fun... Got to get one of won't be disapointed.