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Activity Table

Activity Table

Cool kids activity table!
It does so much! Chase away boredom for hours
Go here to see it in world or feel free to message me
Table and 2 chairs toddler sized 4 prim for these pieces
9 animations for each chair rezzes 3 props with proper animation
Click table to rez out paint or playdo cups, supplies for certain of table, playdo or chalk or drawing pieces
Each side rezzes out painting paper, drawing paper, chalk board, handprints, stickers, or play do creations
Also rez out several different games to play and a box that will give you game pieces
Crayons and pencils for each cup holder
Prim count will vary from the original 4 prim depending on what you rez
Menu gives acces and auto cleanup if you wish
Please if theres any problems or question message me I'm online all the time