A short help for using the Contest Board:
- up to 36 contestants
- the contestants are shown with a small picture (profile pic) aside the board as soon as the enter the contest
- money and items can be set as prices (or both)
- the image on the board itself can be changed (board is "modify", only scripts are no mod)
- there can be as many operators as you whish to handle each contest
- contestants can be banned
- contestants can be thrown out of the contest any time (while the contest is running)
- voting can start immediately after a contestant has entered the contest, or it can be started manually at a certian time
- voting canbe done once, every hour or every day
"immediately" means that you can vote for any contestant as soon as he/she has entered the contest. This mode is useful for long-lasting contests (e.g. in any shop).
"manually": the voting has to be started manually at any time. After the operator has started the voting mode this way no more contestants can enter the contest (standard setting for events).
"once": any person who wants to vote can do this only once, for one contestant (standard setting)
"every hour": you might vote (for any contestant) every 60 minutes
"every day": voting can be done every day (PST time!)
"always": there are no further restrictions, voting can be done as often as you like, for whatever contestant(s) you like
"Money": On click it is possible to pay money into the Contest Board. Different people, and more than one person, can pay money into the Board. It is not necessary to be operator to do this.
The payers are memorized. In case of a "reset" before the contest has ended regularely they will get the money they payed into the Board back.
"items": Copy any items (objects, textures, etc.) into the board and make them prize items.
Attention: items which are "no copy" can of course not be given to more than one winner. Therefore the board has to know how to handle this case:
"handle prize": one winner gets it all (winner is selected randomly, or the prizes are spread equally among all winners. This setting is used for handling items (especially "no copy" items, and money alike!
Shows a list of all contestants. By clicking any contestant you can throw her/him out of the contest. This person is set to a temporary ban list and cannot enter the contest any more.
Her/his picture is darkened, but still visible.
The Board shouts the name of the winner(s). If "show winners" was selected his/her/their pictures are shown on the Contest Board now.
See item in Second Life- up 36 contestants
- shows profile pictures
- different voting modes