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Advanced Teleporter Version 1.6.2x

Advanced Teleporter

Ex Machina and Simplicity Lab teleporters

Advanced Teleporter Pod v 1.6

Thank you for purchasing this Advanced Teleporter Pod from Ex Machina and Simpliticy Lab
I hope you will find it as useful as it is simple to use

This teleporter version is one of the most easily configurable teleporters available, while it keeps a reliable performance.
-There are no hover texts floating while it is in operation.
-The minimum distance of 10m between teleporters has been removed and there are no communication interferences between pads.
-It teleports you to anywhere in the sim instantly, using the new cool LL function: llSetRegionPos.
-The overload of simulator resources has been reduced to minimum necessary: the network only updates when is told by user, and after a new bean is rezzed. However, in order to keep
the nice 'StarTrek' fashion ("Scotty: ¡Energize!"), the system has to replace a new beam every time it is used. (For a better performance you may look my teleporter V2 that has
less simulator load).
-Pads will only talk with each other if they belong to the same owner and are in the same sim.
-Beams will update their position if the pads are moved.
-The network is aware of pad's rotations. After teleport, the avatar will be oriented according to the destination rotation.

Summary of features:
-It doesn't need any special configuration for using in basic mode. Anyway, for privacy features, the owner has access to an options menu by clicking the pad.
-Simple use: you only need to rezz it, rename each pad to get the network ready to use.
-You can fully modify the prims:
-Custom animations: you can edit the beam inside the pad and use your own animations: (More information below). :D
-Rotation aware: simply edit the pad to the desired rotation and your avatar will be oriented accordingly every time you choose that destination :):)
-It is possible to sit more than one avatar. Animations present in the beam prim are randomly selected according to the avatar gender and animation name prefixes. (i.e. names starting with "f_" will be used only for females avatars). Animations without a prefix are selected with lower priority. You can also delete all the example animations provided in this item. In this way, the beam will perform the standard SL animation "Stand". Since it has very low priority, you AO standing animation might have priority over it. :)
The first avatar able to sit on the prim will be the captain, that means he/she will wait until all the other players sit on the beam. If it's the case the captain wants to unsit before teleporting, all previously sat avatar get to get up as well. On contrary, when the captain touches the "Energize" button, will initiate the teleporting sequence for everyone on the beam. :)
-This version includes a Safe Mode, that makes individual pods to avoid SL error "There is no room to sit, please try another spot", which arises when some bounding box nearby prevents the sitting of a second avatar on the beam.

-Future updates without extra charge

Next features:
-Intersim and multipleowner teleporting are planned in new releases. Please check my other products in near future.

Quick start instructions:

Rezz it on the ground. Right-click the pad to move it, and then rename it and set it to a group if needed. The pad will automatically synchronized with other pads as they rezz. Every time you change its position, rotation or name, the network will be auto-reloaded in few seconds.
Rezz a second teleporter and follow same procedure.
After you rezz all the other teleporters in the zone, you may click one of them to get the service menu each pad's privacy settings. (i.e. Who can teleport in or out from a certain pad).
On that menu you will also find a 'Reload' button, that will synchronize all your pads. Please be sure you do it after you change private settings in your pads.
That will set the whole network in few seconds automatically. During that process the pod status led color will change to red. When you see the pod's status light in normal blueish color again, the teleporter system is ready to use.
Of course, you may 'Reload' the network manually by clicking on the options menu.
Please note when you remove a pod, the beam will stay in-world for at most 2 min until it auto deletes it self. The network auto updates too.
Now click the teleporter beam to sit, then select an entry from the menu to be instantly teleported to other destinations.

-Only the first 24 characters from pad name will be used, since SL limits llDialog buttons to 24 chars. It is recommendable to keep names short in order to be displayed properly on menues.

For any doubts / questions / suggestions / improvements and comments, please send a note to Estrella Seminario

Thank you very much for your purchase :)
Enjoy your teleporter network!
Estrella and Hattie

See item in Second Life
  • Autoconfiguration, very simple setup & use
  • Fast teleporting up to 4096m simwide
  • Modifiable object, with excellent LOD and realistic Baked Textures
  • Transports multiple avatars at same time
  • Rotation aware, cool effects.