Adventure Gear Vigilante Outfit (Watch Dogs)
=== Adventure Gear - est. 2007
For those who like to work outside the law, to find justice in their own way, this vigilante outfit is for you. A leather half-trench jacket, a neoprene mask and a black ball cap offer anonymity while you wander the streets and hack your way into secure systems to bring down crime lords.
Included in Outfit:
-- Scripted / Animated Handgun (Click on Cell Phone to Draw / Holster Gun! Mouseview + M1 to fire gun!)
-- Mesh Jacket w/Shirt (5 Sizes / 3 Colors )
____Brown "Vigilante" Jacket
______Black "Chicago" Jacket
________Dark Brown "Hacker" Jacket
-- Mesh Jeans (5 Sizes / 3 Colors)
____Blue "Vigilante" Jeans
______Black "Chicago" Jeans
________ Dark Brown "Hacker" Jeans
-- Mesh 'Vigilante' Mask (5 Sizes)
-- Mesh Hat (Re-Sizer Scripted)
____Black "Vigilante" Hat
______Black "Un_Marked" Hat
-- Mesh Boots (Re-Sizer Scripted / 2 Colors)
____Brown "Hacker" Boots
______Black "Vigilante" Boots
-- Phone & Gun (Non-Scripted Versions)
Not Included:
-- Skin
-- Shape
-- l337 hacking skills
REVIEW: Please leave a review of this product, should you purchase it. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated
- Mesh Clothing
- Mesh Accessories
- Full Outfit
Great Outfit
really like it well made plus lots of options like the bonus jacket
L$ 400
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- User Licensed