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[Agent X] Full mesh avatar

[Agent X] Full mesh avatar

About Agent X:

You can wear this avatar as a full character or just as a set of suit and props.
There are 3 colors (gray, rust and violet) of suit and interchangeable props.

If you want to use the full avatar you need to wear:
Full shape
Full alpha
Hair (NO MOD)
Hip props
Shoulder pads

To use your own head just detach (or not wear in the first place) the head, Hair (NO MOD) and goggles. Instead wear the hair (MOD, so you can adjust to your head size) headless goggles, and replace the full shape and alpha for the "headless" shape and alpha.

All the props are interchangeable between colors and opaque or reflex version.

The shapes are MOD, but PLEASE make sure to make a copy and rename them before making changes.


Regarding your graphic preferences (ctrl P) you will see these items in a different fashion:

_if you have "lighting and shadows" checked you will see them as a metal-like surface.

_if you have "lighting and shadows" unchecked you will see them as a mirror/plastic-like surface.

Try both and see which one is best for you.

See item in Second Life
  • Interchangeable props
  • Detachable head to use w/ your own head
  • Flexi prim hair