Aidhona - Beauty Marks for Catwa Mesh Heads
This is an applier that will allow you to enhance your beauty with some cute beauty marks. This applier works as blush, eyeshadows and lipsticks.
Wear the HUD and choose between different options:
- 2 eyeshadow (under eye mole, upper eye mole)
- 2 lipstick (right mole, left mole)
- 1 blush + eyeshadow + lipstick
The Tattoo Layer for classic avatar is NOT included.
See item in Second Life- Catwa Mesh Head Applier
- 2 eyeshadow options
- 2 lipstick options
- total look
I friggin love this thing
So easy to use... and I'm one that would manage to bumble it if I could.
It would be perfect if I could get the beauty marks mirrored... because they have both my rl beauty marks, but on the wrong side, and guess what!!! You can wear them all at the same time if you wanted to. ^^
Is there a chance of a mirrored version becoming available? Because I'd totally pay again just to have it...
If you're wondering, and have a catwa head... YES THIS ONE IS THE ONE YOU SHOULD BUY
Não dou estrelas por esse motivo
I bought Aidhona - Beauty Marks for Lelutka Mesh Heads, and on the website it said it was for Lelutka, just did not come to Lelutka, and came to Catwa, I got in touch with the shop owner, and she did not even answer me, and It came back
Those marks are absolutely beautiful and they make a skin look more unique on the Catwa Mesh head. I really like that you can have all marks together or just select the marks you like best.
I love them!