G General

Aloe - Boss - DEMO Version 1.5

Aloe - Boss - DEMO

This set includes the following:
- Custom made LOD’s [Level of Detail], this allows you to have the best possible quality no matter how far away you are from an object based on its size, it also reduces lag time!
- Copy, No Mod/Transfer

Product Variations:

Boss Shades MEGA Pack -
- [6 variations of regular frames] Colors 1-6
- [12 variations of mega pack frames] Colors 7-18
- [6 variations of lens transparency] Tints 1-6

Boss Shades REG Pack -
- [6 variations of regular frames] Colors 1-6
- [6 variations of lens transparency] Tints 1-6
- [6 variations of regular gems] Colors 1-6

Mermaid Shades MEGA Pack -
- [6 variations of regular frames] Colors 1-6
- [12 variations of mega pack frames] Colors 7-18
- [6 variations of lens transparency] Tints 1-6
- [6 variations of regular gems] Colors 1-6
- [12 variations of mega pack gems] Colors 7-18

Mermaid Shades REG Pack -
- [6 variations of regular frames] Colors 1-6
- [6 variations of lens transparency] Tints 1-6
- [6 variations of regular gems] Colors 1-6


- https://flickr.com/photos/aloesl

Flickr Group:
- https://flickr.com/groups/aloesl

- https://facebook.com/AloeSL

- What’s the fastest way to get Customer Support?
- Please send a detailed notecard to AlliKeys.

Link to AlliKey’s Account:
- secondlife:///app/agent/195051c0-3fac-4b1d-8c5b-2b727782cea0/about

For any further questions or support please contact the following -

Customer Support:
- Support@aloesl.com

Business Inquires:
- Business@aloesl.com

  • Custom created Levels of Detail
  • Color variations included
  • Copy, No Mod/Transfer