We believe that you should feel secure in your home/base/hole in the ground and to assist you with that feeling we have thoughtfully developed various PDM modules (Perimeter Defensive Measures) for your security.
This variant is the Alpha Quicksand Module. (Module 3)
Watch your step
It may be your last...
Damage details
CCS Damage
200 Direct Impact plus 100 stamina
75 stamina only. Dependant on the % to fail factor
Time between trap re-activation - Variable, between 10-20 seconds
This is not a weapon to wear, if you try and be a clever dick and wear it, it will detach and inform me.
High detail, low lag, optimised scripting for best possible performance under all conditions
Free updates for life
Dialog driven for simplicity
Demo mode
Multiple QS texture types.
Quick start instructions
1. Rezz the box, open it and copy the contents to inventory.
2. Find the folder called '+AlphaTech QuickSandTrap (v1.0)'
3. Rez the object called 'Q (QuickSandTrap) v1.0' - onto the ground.
4. Select your desired trap options
5. Position the trap to suit
6. Optional - Put out some warning signs/marsh grass (also in the folder)