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American Civil War Kepi

American Civil War Kepi
American Civil War Kepi
1 Review


During the American civil war two types of hats abounded among the soldiers of both the Union and Confederate armies. The slouch hat and the kepi. The kepi was a military cap with a slight visor adapted from the French Army képi, itself an adaptation of an earlier design called the shako.

The kepi, also called a 'forage cap' or 'bummer cap' became a common part of the American civil war soldier’s uniform. Used by both the North and South, typically in shades of dark blue, grey, or brown. Slightly different in shape from the French version, the American kepi, was a slightly less structured form that tapered toward the top.

The dark blue kepi was favored by the Confederate General “Stonewall” Jackson as can be seen in the monument made to his memory in Manassas, Virginia where the Battle of Bull Run was fought.

By 1902, the kepi was discontinued as part of the U.S. military outfit, though it remained the quintessential cap for the French gendarme up until very recently.

And moving forwards, what's in the box?

One Sculptie Kepi, which is mod so it can be resized and is also reasonably easy to adjust the proportions, being comprised of three main prims, the rest are cap band and badges.

It's scripted with a drop menu (touch the hat) to give you the following options.

Union Blue, Confederate Grey, Black

Hat Badges: (Either Front, Top or Both as desired)
Cavalry - Standard Cavalry Crossed Swords
7th Cav E Company - One of the three companys directly under George Armstrong Custer at the Battle of the Bighorn June 25th 1876
CSA - Confederate State Army
Infantry - Bugle Horn
Artillery - Crossed Cannon
None - Blank

Finally please forgive any minor errors, I'm by no means an expert on the American Civil War, but I do know far now than when I started. :P

  • Sculptie
  • Scripted Colour & Badge Change
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Many thanks!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 16, 2021 by AlexanderOrr

I love this hat - Great design, mod permission, neat options via menu, and great price!
Copy permission is a nice bonus too - we all screw up sometimes XD.

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L$ 50

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Zia Zobel

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  • User Licensed
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Land Impact: 12