This is a set of shoji sliding doors, such as those found in old Japanese houses. All pieces are original mesh and ambient occlusion maps are included for making your own textures.
The following pieces are included:
-Door Style - 0.5LI
-Outer Door Style (b) - 0.5LI
-Window Style - 0.5LI
***Please contact Nix Marabana with questions and concerns, Fina Diabolito is only a listings manager***
***Important notes about mesh***
-Land Impact can and will change if you add scripts or resize the mesh. All my mesh is sold at a size that is reasonable for its intended use.
-This mesh is UV mapped, which means textures don't tile the same way they do on regular prims. In order to get proper shaded textures, you will likely have to edit the maps in an outside program such as Photoshop or GIMP.
-Sometimes linking can reduce the Land Impact (such as with 0.5LI items)
Terms Of Use
Thanks for actually reading this! I promise, it'll be as short and painless as possible.
In purchasing and using these meshes you agree to the following:
-You may use these meshes and textures in your own Second Life builds.
-You may price your builds using these meshes however you like, including giving them away for free in limited offers (ie. group gifts, lucky chairs, hunts).
-You may sell or give away your builds using these meshes with modify/copy, modify/transfer, copy only or modify only permissions.
NOT Allowed:
-You must NOT use these meshes in any way that violates the Second Life Terms of Service.
-You must NOT these meshes outside of Second Life.
-You must NOT sell or give away these meshes with full permissions or copy/transfer permissions. Anything you distribute that uses these meshes must be either NO COPY or NO TRANSFER.
-I can't enforce this, but please be respectful in your pricing using these meshes. You and others have paid money for them, giving my work and yours out as unlimited, permanent freebies devalues all our time and work.
-Please use your creativity and either add these meshes to your own more complex builds and/or change them significantly with textures or scripts before selling them. If I see people selling these meshes with the default textures slapped on for more than I sell the full perms version I reserve the right to mock them publicly :P
Omgoodness these look super amazing i really love them!
I hope you will make a future wall kit like these! SL needs wall kits like these!
Keep up the good work!
great work
exactly what I needed. Please create more !