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Andronicus Green

Andronicus Green

Andronicus is a tunic styled for Roman, fantasy, historic or ancient world roleplay. It comes in a variety of colors and all of the prim and mesh parts are modifiable to fit any body shape. The outfit has a textured shirt layer with a matching tunic bottom, bracers, cloak, helmet, greaves, sandals, chest belt and glitchpants.

Resizers are included in some of the parts. Some of the mesh parts do not have resize scripts but can be edited and stretched to fit your shape. Be sure to make copies of these items before deleting the resize scripts or doing any manual resizing..

I welcome comments or advice for improvements to all of my products. Feel free to IM me with suggestions or requests. Custom colors are available for this outfit by request.

  • Mesh helmet, bracers and chest belt
  • Shirt with matching tunic bottom and belt
  • Mesh sandals and greaves
  • Matching cloak