TRY THE DEMO FREE IN WORLD! available at the S-URL at the bottom of this website
Full functionality:
* Reposition existing poses in world on the fly so they align better with your avatar. Works in three dimensions (on x, y, z axis) - more complete than other in-world products. (See note below)
* Unmatched variety and flexibility for inworld pose editing (See note below)
* Create your own poses
* Create your own animations
* Upload your poses/animations in Full Permissions so you can sell them or give to friends.
* Fully supports the standard skeleton (not the extended Bento skeleton)
* Updates and bug fixes provided for life, automatically.
* Ideal for photographers to 'tweak' poses
* Easy to use, but lots of functionality - online guide with full instructions
* Try the free demo and see samples in world at
! Only 'realistic' poses are allowed
! Stepsize (how much a joint moves) is restricted by SL constraints - some joints move a minimum of 4 degrees, others a minimum of 32 degrees.
! Animare will control standard skeleton joints only, not Bento extended skeleton. Try the demo if you want to be clear on what this means.
Animare lets you:
* alter a pose on an existing poseball in real time in all three dimensions
* create your own poses
* create your own animations
* Enjoy free updates/fixes for life from the creator of Mama Allpa, PhotoPro, and many more!
Also available in world for 999 L$ - higher price on MP covers extra LL charges
TRY THE DEMO FREE IN WORLD! available at the S-URL at the bottom of this website
- Alter ANY Poseball you are using inworld
- Create new poses and animations, your Avatar is the model!
- Create poses on the fly, while standing or sitting
- re-import your creations as full perm bvh and sell them with you as creator!
- life time updates
are u crazy??
excuse but are u crazy?? the item is amazing and the price is very small! very easy to use!
Pretty amazing for the price... I was very lucky when I found this tonight.