These tails are a very special type of scripted animated mesh which gives you more control and customization than bento. You can change the speed and size of the tail swings via the hud! The tail uses 1 single script and doesn't cause lag, despite how complex the animations can get.
To use the tail itself, simply wear it and enjoy!
You can tint it to whatever color you so desire by changing the objects colors using the clients built-in edit tools. You may want to use the HUD to turn off the tails movement to make it a little easier to grab ahold of!
To use the HUD, you just wear it, there's a familiar looking [x] to hide the HUD, a scrollbar to navigate through the different options. Among the various options contain toggles, sliders, and buttons, sliders you click and drag to define the value you want. Toggles you click to toggle a value on or off, and buttons you just simply click to choose that option.
Here is the list of options included in the HUD:
Tail movement enabled - Enables the tails movement, keep in mind a lot of the following options may not affect the tail when it is disabled.
Wag strength - affects how much the tail wags.
Wag speed - affects how fast the tail wags.
Tail lift - affects how much the tail is lowered, or raised.
Tail size - resizes the entire tail.
I thought it would be longer, but the animations make up for it and it looks good on the animals.
Thumbs up.
Shame there's no bento version. Works very well for a non-bento tail. Animations are bit limited but enough to not be a deal breaker. Works well as a replacement tail for Skelecat avatar. I like that there's an option to stop the animations. The HUD could have been more compact but is good nonetheless.
Офигенный хвост *о*
В худе вы можете выбрать наклон хвоста, его длину ( что меня очень обрадовало ) скорость и т.д. Я довольна, корочи;)
Cute and lovely
I was fairly surprised with how well it works, the make itself, the smooth animations, the large range of tail adjustment options. Its great!