Thank you for your interest at my product Donner Reindeer, animated.
You will get a nicely decorated reindeer, which is animated with Puppeterie. Around the giftbox do fly sparkles. The animations are designed soft and it will be the perfect decoration for Christmas markets or backyards.
I wish you a beautiful winter time.
See item in Second Life- Nice price, good quality!
- Nice decorated reindeer!
- Well textured!
- Smooth animated!
- Animation to click on and off!
Donner is totally awesome. You wont be disappointed. Worth a whole lot more then L$99.. even with out it being a copy version. It's a creation I'll be recommending to Family n Friends. Well done to the creator.. not just for the amazing Donner, but also for not being greedy with your price. You've given most the chance to have an amazing Xmas decoration that has personality n character. 5+ Stars.
How sweet is this? Such lovely detail, I love the gingerbread man in the box! Heart-warming item!