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Animated Stand Alone Console + Extras

Animated Stand Alone Console + Extras

A free Standing Lcars Console. with Dynamic touch interface, animated Lcars, Local Map Radar and Profile check with online status. Complete with Ambiance(on/off) and authentic computer sounds.

See item in Second Life
  • Animated Lcars
  • Touch Sounds + Ambiance
  • Profile look up + online status
  • local map radar
  • Custom Textures
Average rating: full star full star half star empty star empty star
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Brilliant console
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted May 30, 2013 by Iskrin Nightfire

This is a fantastic tool and RP device. It looks awesome and its functions are extremely well scripted and useful. They also work in a very Trek way. The console is no mod (the listing correctly identifies this, so I guess it has been updated since the previous idiot reviewer), but it just doesn't matter. This is such a well-crafted, textured, scripted and audiod (is that a word?!) item that you won't need to mod it.

My only note of small concern (hence 4 rather than 5 stars) is that it is very tall. Shorter avatars will not be able to use it without looking like children. Some sort of resize script, or multiple size options would be nice. But if you're a tall (i.e. regular SL size) avatar, this is one of the best Trek consoles you can buy.

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Caveat Emptor! False advertisement. This is *NOT* modifiable.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 22, 2012 by Kristina Tailleur

Oh boy, I am so annoyed. I bought this because it says it is modifiable and I wanted to modify it into a flat monitor screen. But, guess what? I can't because - surprise, surprise, it *isn't* modifiable. How about that, yet another false advertisement from the wonderful folk in the Second Life Marketplace community. Jesus Christ, people. It doesn't hurt to make your items modifiable (other than scripts) because as long as it isn't transferable no harm can come to your intellectual copyright. And if you really, really *don't* want anyone to modify your brainchild, if you are so egotistical that you just *have* to have everyone using an item that looks the same and does the same things everywhere you look, if you are so Stepford-minded that you can't bear to have people personalize the item they have bought -- then don't advertise it as having that permission. Once again I have wasted good money on an item that, while it is well made and does what I expect it to do, and does it well, is *not* what was advertised so I now have a console that looks stupid where I need the screen! One star because of the falsehood. Caveat Emptor!

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