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Applause Box with optional landmark giver by goodstuff.

Applause Box with optional landmark giver by goodstuff.

Club patrons and party goers can simply click the applause box to cheer, whistle, or let out yeehaws and wooooo's! This applause box also comes with an optional matching landmark giver. But, what makes this one different than the others is the optional stacks (sold separately). When someone clicks the applause box, any stacks you have in far corners of the room will also sound--just like a real speaker system!

Special discounted Marketplace price!

  • Club patrons click the applause box to cheer, whistle, or yeehaw!
  • Includes optional landmark giver.
  • Use w/goodstuff Stack & the stack will also play the sounds when box is clicked!
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 28, 2017 by FisiHyena

Awesome tool, but no-copy, so it can't be used as easily in rezzers, etc.

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