This item is absolutely perfect for live events like concerts or radio sets. Tired of typing "Applause" or using those same boring gestures? Just click this sign and applaud the performer. Green text will appear to show who's giving the applause, and the sound effect will play all the way through, even if multiple people click the sign at the same time. The more people click, the more applause the performer will get, and the louder the applause will be. Don't delay. Add this applause generator to your club right away, before the next star appears on your stage!
- Continuous Sound per multiple clicks
- Low-prim
- Necessity for all clubs with live shows
- No more use of gestures or constant typing of applauses.
Great little gadget for any live event
As a modifiable, applause generator has an infinite number of possibilities to use your own project with a really great script. I like it very much, it is a perfect addition to any live event.