Ariane white nordic short hair Version 1
Rounding face short hair
hair, alpha, hairbase
To resize:
Touche the hair
Use + or -- buttons to resize
You can delete from same menu the script to avoid lag once hair fit your size.
Have fun
Has some issues
Bought it and have a Standard body no mesh parts no bento. up close it was perfect. But as you zoom out the hair vanish's in places. As I am an Event dancer that is a huge problem. It is nice but it needs work to solve its problems.
Hoshi Tamura
Looked nice at first, but was fatally flawed.
I normally try a demo, but I couldn't find one for this. That was a mistake--no demo, then keep on going. It is nice hair--except, from certain angles it masks your head, so you have no head around the hair. Maybe it's the interaction with a bento head, I don't know, but that's what I have. Don't buy this if you have a bento head, or like your head to not dissolve on you.