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Art Galleries of SL Kiosk

Art Galleries of SL Kiosk

Do you own an art gallery in SL, or want to help promote the arts in SL? Then get this free kiosk! Sasun Steinbeck maintains a list of art galleries at the Art Galleries of SL blog. All you need to do to get listed is get this kiosk, rez it at your gallery, and follow the instructions (that you will be given automatically) carefully to configure your kiosk. It's easy!

If you want to set up this kiosk up at an info center to simply dispense the art gallery list, you can do that too, just contact me directly for the "infohub" version of the kiosk.

To get a kiosk, buy this Art Galleries of SL Kiosk Requester and rez it in script enabled land. You will be given a choice of kiosks. Both kiosks are only 4 prims. The Standard kiosk is stands on the ground and the Wall version is best hung on a wall like a poster. They are resizeable so you can resize them to fit your space as you best see fit.

MORE INFO about the list, for gallery owners:

The list is for galleries hosting art by SL residents. You have to own a gallery, not a store, or your house with a few paintings on the walls, but a special building/area created for guests with easily discoverable art. That being said, I'm not a hardnose about this but that's the ideal. If you are bring some art into SL on behalf of someone else that you personally know, with their permission, that's OK too.

See item in Second Life
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So beneficial....
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 02, 2014 by JolieElle Parfort

for an artist promoting a gallery this is very well done and has many features easy to use, Thank you.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 14, 2014 by Mars Mysterious

No longer works, either it has shut down or there is something wrong with the internal scripts. I can't get my Kiosk.

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Great concept!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 07, 2010 by Angomi Whitefalcon

A fantasic way to share art with the SL community and have the chance to view some great galleries. The HUD is so easy to use and has taken me to some really wonderful places with stunning artwork.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 15, 2010 by Mandra Moody

Amazing project and item! A real help for all of us gallery owners and for any land owners that rent to galleries, great way for art and artists to be recognized!

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