G General

Art Studio.FULL PERM \\ Statue of Separation

Art Studio.FULL PERM \\ Statue of Separation

▶100% MESH
▶Full Permission
▶Statue of Separation

Uv map texture
Specular map
AO map
Normal map
3 Color Textured

Statue of Separation - 5 prims

▶İf you dont like textures, you can create your own maps with ao maps

❖Super Lod ❖


▶This Product is prohibited to resell as a standalone product or with Full Permission.


▶You can not sell this items with full permissions
▶You can not give away or share this items with full permissions
▶Thank you for your interest

★ Any bad use of the content of this box will be reported to Linden Labs about TOS infringement.
Write unbiased reviews.

★ You can always contact me if there is a problem. I will help right away as soon as I'm online

▶If you need any help feel free to IM YellowCatMiya or send a NC

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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This is stunning.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 18, 2021 by Amanda Dench

When I first got this I did think because its low land impact then the more you move away from this its going to lose its shape. I couldn't be more wrong it keeps its shape for quite a distance. I don't know how you did it. Its probably one of the most beautiful statues I have purchases in SL. Thank you :)

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