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Ori Teleporter RIngs HD 2.0 [Boxed] バージョン 3.0

Ori Teleporter RIngs HD 2.0 [Boxed]

Hello, thanks for buying our products!

This is a basic Teleporter Manual, you may found further information on our website.

In order to make two teleporters work together, you need to have the same object description aka Network. You can have multiple networks seperated by commas if needed.
Most of the teleporters allows to click anywhere on them to reach the menu and select the destination in exception of the Alteran Transporter where you have a touchscreen inside.

Once the teleporter is renamed or description allow the teleporter a minute to sync.

Need to change a setting? Hold your click on the interraction area for more than 1 second:
In the Admin menu you will found :
Mode : Switch from TP Pad to RLV teleportation
DirectTP: Allows you to enable/disable the Confirmation prompt before teleporting.
Top Rezzer : Only available for Goauld teleporter rings, this allows the rings to spawn from above with a seperate rezzer that can be adjusted in height.
Privacy : Lets you choose who has access to the teleporter, Private is owner only, Public or group only (which matches the active group on the object).
Toggle Lock : Locks the teleporters from being used by anyone.

More infos : https://www.vk-labs.com/accessories/teleporters/

Have a good day!

Vala Avro.

  • Can teleport up to 8 persons
  • Can be locked
  • Reactive to power and code9 API
  • Comaptible with all Vk Labs teleporters
  • RLVa compatible