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Aurascape Twintails

Aurascape Twintails

Rigged Mesh Twintail Hairstyle.

This product cannot be resized, repositioned, or rotated.
Please Try the Demo Before Buying.

256 Texture Options Including :
* 8 White to Black Shades with 8 Ombre Options Each.
* 8 Blonde to Brown Shades with 8 Ombre Options Each.
* 8 Shades of Red with 8 Ombre Options Each.
* 8 Neon Colors with 8 Black Pattern Overlays Each.

In this package you will get:

* Instruction Manual
* Aurascape Twintails (Large)
* Aurascape Twintails (Small)
* Aurascape Twintails (Wide)
* Aurascape Twintails (Thin)
* Aurascape Twintails
* Aurascape Twintails Hair Coloring HUD 01
* Hair Alpha

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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oho oh wow
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 07, 2022 by Entdeus

Very cute, full mod, tons of colors.

Fits well on M4 Venus and M4 Anniemay.

Please make more hairs these are really cute!

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