Aurora Night Sky (EEP)
Aurora Night Sky
This unique night sky with a spectacular aurora effect takes advantage of the new Environmental Enhancement Project (EEP) technologies to display an ever changing aurora in your Second Life sky. Included are a collection of sky files with different colors for the aurora beams in the sky. A backdrop of twinkling stars is also to be seen.
You need to drag this folder into your Settings folder in your inventory. I recommend you have a separate “Clouds” folder inside the Settings folder. Right click on the chosen sky file and select ‘Apply Only to Myself’ or ‘Apply to Parcel’ if you have permissions for that. The next time you launch your viewer app the new sky files will be in the list of available skies to select from, with the prefix [DAVROS]. If you use Firestorm viewer once EEP is implemented, then they will show in the WL Sky list in Quick Preferences.
You may also straight away double click on one of these sky files to see it and adjust any of the settings to your desired taste. You can change the color of the aurora by changing the cloud color. You can alter the appearance of the shimmering aurora effect by altering the Cloud Variance slider in the clouds tab.
I strongly recommend you make a copy of the new sky file before making any alterations, as the originally supplied file could be overwritten. Of course, your purchase can be re-delivered if needs be.
This pack contains:
Fantasy_Clouds - clouds texture file
5 sky files with the Aurora effect in colors blue, green, red, yellow and pink
1 sky file showing a jet stream sunset (bonus sky showing this cloud texture has other uses as well)
This will work with any Second Life viewer that supports the new EEP replacement for the old Windlight.
• Spectacular Aurora effect in your SL sky
• Dynamic and ever changing
• Red, Green, Blue, Pink, or Yellow Aurora Colors
• Can be used by Region or Parcel owners
• Great for a dramatic backdrop for photography
- Spectacular Aurora effect in your SL sky
- Dynamic and ever changing
- Red, Green, Blue, Pink, or Yellow Aurora Colors
- Can be used by Region or Parcel owners
- Great for a dramatic backdrop for photography
Love it!!
I am so glad I came across your Youtube tutorial on EEP which led me to your MP to buy these! I absolutely love them and am still getting used to working with them. Lots of customization can be done so I'm experimenting. Highly recommend these to everyone interested in EEP!!