Auto-Cycling (SlideShow) Pictures Frame Version 1.00

Perfect for Home Memories, or for Business/Group Event Highlights, or RP showing your many diplomas.
Powerful yet extremely easy to use.
Auto-Cycling Pictures:
- - Very FAST picture changes using special scripted 'Pre-Fetch' of next image
- - touch 'label' at bottom-center of frame to toggle cycling ON or OFF
- - advances to next picture every 20 seconds
- - uses the texture you have selected for the frame (same for all pictures until it is changed)
Or, touch toggle auto-cycling OFF to stay at any picture you chose
- - Can touch left-right side of PICTURE to manually advance-backup the picture image
- - Can touch left-right side of FRAME to manually advance-backup the frame texture
Accepts any size picture textures but we recommend 512x512
- - nice sharp picture while minimizing texture load
Comes pre-loaded with sample test images
- - you will edit the item contents to DELETE those and ADD your images.
- - GRINS: The images are Real-Life photos of jets that our Second-Life flyable jets are modeled upon.
Comes pre-loaded with 12 frame textures
- - you can (optionally) edit the FRAME contents to DELETE any of those and/or ADD your own textures.
The item is physically MODIFY (scripts are no-modify) so you can edit and STRETCH or SHRINK it to suit your needs, and is of course full COPY (but no-TRANSFER)
Come and see it in-world at our store:
See item in Second Life- Auto-Cycles to next image every 20 seconds
- TOUCH control to toggle cycling ON-OFF
- TOUCH control to manually change picture
- TOUCH control to manually change frame
- Special script 'Pre-Fetching' for fast picture changes
Great Product!
I clearly misunderstood the instructions when initially using the frame. The creator reached out to assist me and was very helpful. Works like a charm! :)
Great lowprim Frame which is modify for our needs
we`re very happy with our purchase, just what we needed. And a very friendly and helpful seller too. thank you