Avril Dress Cotton
Dress Comes in sizes:
Mesh sizes XS-XL
Fitmesh XS-XL
Maitreya Mesh
Slink Mesh
Belleza Mesh
Alpha layer included
Please try demo before purchasing.
Photo done by Irritums Resident
*All items are
No Mod
No Trans
Unless stated otherwise
*No Refunds unless double purchase
*If you have any problems please message me I will reply as soon as I can
*If you don't get the delivery , loose it whatever just message me and I will send you a new copy
inworld store: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Belfast%20Island/190/159/1038
Marketplace Link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/149268
Facebook page
Flickr: https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/135706822@N05/