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*BC* Eyeshadow set 1 for LeLutka mesh heads

*BC* Eyeshadow set 1 for LeLutka mesh heads

Note: These eyeshadows work with the LeLutka Mesh head ONLY.

A set of sultry eyeshadow & liner combos in vivid colors. 8 different colors inluded in the HUD.

(Make sure you have your eyeshadow layer set to visible on the LeLutka HUD!)

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 14, 2018 by Kia Kiyori

I really don't get the two grumpy reviews. These look exactly the same on my avi as they do in the ad.

Of all the eyeshadows in my collection (there's several), this and one other are the two I use most consistently. I love love love this shadow. Thank you, Cherry ♥

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nice done....
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted June 15, 2017 by Brianna Blossom

well, i did not care about the "LeLutka Sign"....
but the Bento LeLutka compatible sign looks different

I tried these eyeshadows on my LeLutka Mesh Heads STELLA & CATE

+ All colours as on the pictures, but maybe in a different sequenze.
+ Those works well, i got them easily applied via the HUD.
+ Colours and eyeshadows are ok from my point of view...

It is clearly an applier for the older Mesh Heads from LeLutka v1.6
They don't work well with my Bento Mesh Head
-The wing eyeliners looks then very different as on pictures (CATE)
+looks close on my STELLA Head as shown on the pictures
- those get VERY Long & pointing much upwards (CATE)
- they look also a bit washed on the eyeline tip (both heads)
- seems no demo available which i really would love for all of those appliers.

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Not impressed
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted March 12, 2017 by Nelani Dyrssen

Sadly, these don't look like the lush and softly blended version in the pictures. The colors are completely different and each eyeshadow has a colored part on the upper part of the lid, which makes it look like two lines of color have simply been jotted down. To make it worse, there are fake painted lashes visible in the brightly colored part.

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