Sarkany Male Dragon Armour for the Jomo Male Dragon avatar.
Helm, Arms, and Boots can all be hidden or shown with the Visibility HUD. There are also 3 chain colours on the HUD - Silver, Gold, and Black.
looks good
The mesh looks amazing and it has a texture for head, feet and arms.
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Little Info in description (wish i had a refund)
Armor looks good, very detailed and fits well on avatar. My beef with it is that in the description theres no mentioning thats the whole aremor is a single piece, insted its descriprion said it has multiple parts Helm, Arms, and Boots (wich made me wonder about the chest piece that wasnt mentioned). So on behalf of maker/seller I warn you its a non mod single piece armor with a hud that alows us to make parts of it invisible EXEPT chestpiece and "pants".